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Shipping & Returns

Shipping Policy

I offer shipping for all items across the U.S. as well as a local pickup option in Rochester, MN. Shipping is through the USPS and costs are calculated based on weight and size of each order, as well as shipping location. 


If you have any questions or concerns about shipping or packaging, feel free to contact me.

Return Policy

I offer returns only on items that arrive damaged in the mail. If you believe an item you ordered from me has arrived damaged, please contact me within 14 days of receiving it. Provide your order number and pictures of the item showing damaged areas - include pictures of the package it arrived in if that has been damaged as well. I will provide you with return shipping information and once I receive the return, will process your refund, including return shipping costs.

If possible, I will offer to repair the item and ship it back to you so you can still enjoy your purchase - in that case, I will cover extra shipping costs.

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